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Business Graphs

Looking to Invest?

1. Returns above S&P 500

2. Multi-businesses and properties portfolio

3. Automatic Lifetime Japanese Language Student

4. More business and investment opportunities

5. Community of like-minded successful individuals

Need help with your business?

1. Potential strategic partnership
2. Assistance in business, management, and marketing
3. Aid in financials
4. More business and investment opportunities
5. Community of like-minded successful individuals


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Kitahara Yutaro

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NUS, Business Analytics

NUS, Masters in D. Financial Technology (2023-)

Director, Kitahara Education Group Pte Ltd

Director, Ace Academic Pte Ltd

Director, Hougang Japanese Language School

Full-time TA, NUS School of Computing

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Kitahara Kotaro

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NTU, Mechanical Engineering

Director, KK ACMV Engineering Pte Ltd

Director, Clover Engineering Dev. Pte Ltd

Former Engineer in Daikin MNC

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